
State VOAD leadership is comprised of Members from across the State. For information on how to get in contact with our team, please visit our Contact Us page, or click on the team member that you wish to contact.

Jessica Baraclough
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Jessica Baraclough works for United Way in Topeka and has been involved with the state VOAD for


John Callahan
Vice Chair

John Callahan has a wide range of experience in Emergency Disaster Services. He currently serves as the Divisional Emergency Disasters Services Director for the Salvation Army Kansas and Western Missouri Division. He has over 30 years of Fire Service/Emergency Management experience. Starting his fire service career as a firefighter he worked his way through the ranks to the Fire Chief position. He spent the last 10 years of his career in the Fire Chief position before retiring in 2017.  John has worked through many disasters collaborating and coordinating with multiple agencies, to include Federal, State, and local governments, as well as non for profits and privet sector businesses. He has a Master’s of Science in Leadership with emphasis in disaster preparedness and executive leadership, a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration, he has completed the National Fire Academies Executive Fire Officers Program and has been give the Chief Fire Officer (CFO) Designation by the Commission on Professional Credentialing. John is excited to be part of the Salvation Army and the VOAD teams. He looks forward to the challenges and opportunities to serve.

Lia Wainwright
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Doug Meyers
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